
Monday, September 25, 2017

The Girl in the Flammable Skirt by Aimee Bender

The Girl in the Flammable Skirt by Aimee Bender
The Rememberer  B+
Call My Name  A
What You Left in the Ditch  C
The Bowl  A
Marzipan  B

Quiet Please  A
Skinless  B+
Fugue  A+
Drunken Mimi  B-
Fell This Girl  B-

The Healer  A+
Loser A
Legacy  C+
Dreaming in Polish  C
The Ring  C+
The Girl in the Flammable Skirt  B-

The Girl in the Flammable Skirt
            I really liked the book as a whole. I didn’t read a story that I strongly disliked, I just liked some stories more than others. In each story, there was either a sexual element, a supernatural element, or both. Bender also had a way of telling almost the whole story without using a single character name. In “The Bowl,” we never learn our main character’s name. This story is also different because it’s the only story that isn’t either in first or third (he, she, they,) person. Bender likes to put the action either just out of view (like in someone else’s POV,) or for the action to happen completely outside the story.
            This was one of my favorite stories I read. It really kept me reading. The big thing about this story is that it follows three different characters; a woman (and her husband,) “the muttering man,” and Haggie (with his roommate Mona.) Bender does a great job of building tension, giving a slight bit of release, then jumping to another POV. What made this one of my favorites though, was the end. It felt like a twist, even though she gave the reader all the information they needed.
“The Healer”
            I really liked the supernatural elements in this story, which is one of the things that drew me in to the story. This story is in the POV of a classmate of “the fire girl” and “the ice girl,” names Lisa. She keeps some of the action toned down and in the corner of your perspective, but the biggest point of action happens so fast, you barely have time to react. She used sex and sexuality in a different way too; pain = pleasure in this story. The poor “fire girl” is being used by her classmates, but no one actually likes her. There’s also the contrast of “fire girl” always destroying and the “ice girl” who has healing powers. She is also just being used for her power.
“What You Left in the Ditch”
            If I had to choose a least favorite, it would probably be “What You Left in the Ditch.”This story just feels like a story about a wife wanting to cheat on her husband, feels bad about it, then realizes how much she loves him.

You can buy her books from:
Barnes & Noble

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