
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Lewis Robinson
By: Caroline Graham 

Table of Contents:
The Diver:………………………………………………………… A-
Officer Friendly…………………………………………B
The Edge of the Forest and the Edge of the Ocean……………………………………………………………………… C
The Toast…………………………………………………………… B+
Ride………………………………………………………………………… F. 
Cuxabexis, Cuxabexis………………………………C
Fighting At Night………………………………………A+
Seeing the World…………………………………………D
Buy Robinson’s Books and Visit his Website Here:

About Lewis Robinson 
American short story author Lewis Robinson, was born in Natick Massachusetts and then resided in Maine during childhood. Robinson attended Middlebury College, and then received an invitation to attend the Iowa Writer’s Workshop. After receiving the Glenn Schaeffer Award, Robison produced his first collect of short stories “Officer Friendly and Other Stories”. Robinson has also written for The Boston Globe, Sports Illustrated and NPR. Another notable work written by Robison is titled “Water Dogs”, which was written in 2009. Currently Robinson resides in Andover, Massachusetts and is employed at Phillips Academy. 

The Diver is the first story in the collection written by Robinson, and it was definitely an unsettling story to read! The diver essentially swims to shore and finds the man whom is referred to the diver, asking for assistance with his boat. The diver seems to be a scruffy but friendly man, but as the story progresses, the diver becomes more and more creepy, stern, and threatening in Peter’s eyes. One thing I enjoyed was Robinson’s use of tone throughout the story. It is as I stated before an unsettling feeling or even awkward. The reader continuously sees the perspective of the diver through Peter, and no one else. What I believe Robinson does best, is that he gives us perspectives from all walks of life, and at all ages. We see many stories that are pretty one track, but Robinson, different from many, assists us in elements. One of my favorite elements within the diver is the conflict between the diver and Peter, it is so unconformable and it reminded me of situations that I myself have been in, causing me to be uncomfortable as well.  
The Ride: F: 
I know it seems harsh to give a story an F, but for some reason the story Ride, just didn't do it for me. I feel as if the language was somewhat bland, and I know that Alden and his father have issues, but their dynamic was just something of a disappointment. Maybe Robinson could have used this story at the beginning of the collection, because so many of the stories I read in “Officer Friendly and Other Short Stories”, made me so excited, whereas this one was just boring to me.
While my opinion is irrelevant, overall is it a decent story. I will give Robinson credit in that it isn't supposed to prescribe anything nor soothe my soul, but after the other stories I have read, Aldie and his father’s issues let me down. 

The Toast: A+!!!
HOLY COW. I LOVED this story. First, the story begins with a guy named Roger, whose mom recently has been seeing a man named Hutch. Roger is seen not only from a third person view, but also we get to see inside his mind, and his thoughts on Hutch, Leila, and others among the party that they attend for “the old man” Dynamic is a big part of what makes this successful, and I believe that because dynamic is established between not just one person, but many people, creates something special for the reader. In class discussions, it is noted that stories should enchant us, and this definitely enchanted me. As I read the story I couldn't get my eyes to leave the page. 
Next, the tension and conflict internally and externally developed through Roger is amazing. We see not only his romantic life, but the decision and unsettling feeling of having a gun with him, but then he eerily becomes comforted with the entire group, which somewhat reminds me of a creepy cult initiation thing. The moral choices he makes are in no way ethical, and this seems so crazy that it would never happen. The ending was again, a weird way to end it, but I LOVED IT and I would say that anyone should read this if they have the chance. 

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